Saturday, January 9, 2010

More pictures....

....because apparently I was too dumb to add them in the last post.... ;)

Enjoying some Christmas baby goats.

This is my sister's dog Wrigley. He is the reason
John is considering getting a lap dog in the future.
(I've been asking for years! :) )

Sophia getting in to her stocking.

Sophia with Aunt Liz.

Happy New Year!

What a great year so far. We're having so much fun with this little girl. Now that the holidays are over, it's back to some sense of normalcy...even though that may not be all that close to normal! :)

Christmas Eve, I had to work a partial day. This turned out to be about an hour. So we headed to Waco after a night of absolutely NO sleep! Sophia decided she was going to be fussy from 2 am to 6 am. So, momma walked the floors with her which brought back memories of some of our earliest weeks. Daddy got a good night's rest so he could drive us to Waco. We made it to Temple and I saw some white fluffy stuff coming out of the air. John didn't believe it was snow, until we got to Waco and it was undeniably snow! How neat to have Sophia's first Christmas and first snowfall all in the same day. We went out in it for a minute, but it was too cold to play and she wasn't too interested. We had a wonderful Christmas and dinner with John's mom and got to see our nephew also. John's sister wasn't able to come down this trip because she was off to get married in Vegas (congrats!).

Sophia's first Christmas and snow!
Sophia with Nawnaw and Daddy

She's mommy's best gift!

Cousin Christopher visiting for Christmas

We headed down to Belton later that night and spent Christmas Day with my family. My sister and her family arrived that afternoon and we all had another wonderful Christmas and another wonderful meal. (I'm scared to step on the scales after that weekend!).
With Nana and Pawpaw, and that fun little Wrigley!

It was such a perfect first Christmas as a mommy. We headed back to Uvalde on Saturday and got everything put away, washed and ready to get back to the grind.

The new year was rung in with a close examination of the back of my eyelids. Totally enjoyed it :)

Sophia is now 8 months old and growing so fast! We are working on more floor time so she can practice her mobility skills. She currently gets on 3 limbs with one leg stuck straight out behind her. But she's able to roll and move enough to get the toy she wants. We're eating 3 meals a day in addition to our regular nursing. She's started trying puffs and teething biscuits. Only 1 near-choking incident which scared the hooey outta me. Whew. I thought I was going to have to put my infant choking training into practice. She's also been battling her first cold (?). I say (?) because I can't imagine a cold lasting since before Thanksgiving. I've had one doctor tell me that kids do not get allergies before 2 years old. My doctor has said she may have a cold or allergy. And the nurse practitioner we saw this week said it may be an allergy. All I know, she's got bad congestion, runny, runny, runny nose, and sneezing. Oh, and she's stopped her consistent sleeping through the night. Darn. That was one of my favorite things before I lost it. And we've got rosy red cheeks and massive drooling, so possibly we may get some new teeth soon. In spite of all this, she's a happy little girl who lights up the room with her smile.

We have plans to travel to Houston this week to see Joanna and her new house. We're excited, but wish Houston were just an hour or two away! :) It will be a fun trip! The next weekend Molly is coming from Dallas. I think in February we are staying home every weekend!! Haha. Now I know what my sister was talking about being tired of all the weekend travels!

Better close this out. Baby girl should be waking from her nap soon. I used this morning to scrapbook and this afternoon to blog, so maybe I'm close to being caught up? Just don't let me see the laundry basket!

Wishing you all a blessed 2010!!