Monday, December 7, 2009

'Tis the season... be jolly! What a wonderful season is here! Despite today being a very dreary, misty day outside, it can't overpower the Christmas season. I love this time of year. I actually spent last night making cookies for our department Christmas party tomorrow night. I have finished my shopping and nearly all the presents are wrapped under the tree. A few days ago, we got to catch Sophia's first interaction with the tree.

Playing on the floor with mommy

"I think you have something in your teeth mommy!"

Sophia is now getting up on her hands and knees and has started rocking forward and backward. It doesn't last long... :)

But, she's also now sitting herself up from her belly. We went in to her room the other night when she woke up crying. Found her sitting up in the bed. Lowered her bed in case she gets any ideas to start pulling up!

Fascinated with all aspects of the tree...

What a perfect gift for this Christmas!!

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