Friday, March 5, 2010

Bad, bad mommy!

It's been nearly 2 months since last post. How in the world will I remember everything that's happened since then? I can remember logging in and seeing that the blogs I follow had not updated in forever and being - dare I say - upset. And now look at me :) I must say, the fact that Lisa told me she read my blog, made me feel guilty about not updating. So, now that the little munchkin is asleep, I blog.

Where to begin...our 9 month dr's visit was in January. She was the picture of being right on target in the 50th percentile for everything. This surprised us, because it seems like she's gained weight when we carry her around :). Everything looked really clear and there were no shots (yeah!). Well, 2 days prior to that, she had been really fussy, really sleepy and running a small fever. It seemed to go away, but I mentioned it to the dr anyway. No worries on the day of the appointment because she looked good. (I too had all those symptoms in addition to a horribly painful throat...worse than I had ever had, dr looked at me too and said my throat was really raw, but I was negative for strep and mono...10 days and an antibiotic later, that throat either worked it out on it's own, or the antibiotics did something. Who knows.)

Well, the next day she ran a fever again and was sent home from her day care. John took her to urgent care and she had an ear infection. Popped up over night. She also had a sinus infection. So, we got an antibiotic for her and a decongestant which cleared things up so well and she was back to sleeping through the night again! (double yay!)

We went to Houston to see my college friend Joanna and her hubby. It was a great trip, albeit rainy. Her house is beautiful, but at 4 stories, I had a good leg workout by the end!

January 18th, Sophia learned how to crawl. Just a bit, but within 36 hours she had it down. A week later, she decided to learn how to pull herself up into a standing position as below in the bathtub! eek!.

She still loves her day care and continues to practice her crawling and standing and smiling! :)

This was the Valentine's party at her day care.

We had some pics taken for her 9 month and Valentine's Day milestone. She sure was precious!

February brought us some changes. I stopped nursing. Initially, this was just going to be during work (expressing) and at lunch. She was starting to have a harder time when I would leave her after nursing her at lunch. So, we dropped the pumping and lunch nursing, but I continued morning and night. Well, that lasted about another week and now she's strictly on solid food and formula. Which hasn't seemed to hurt her any. We went to get a weight check at the hospital at her 10th month and she was 20 lbs, 15 oz. Wowzers! I thought she was getting heavier!

She loves to eat and try new foods. For now. Some of my friends with young ones tell me they are on a solid food strike. Or a formula strike. My daughter eats just like her daddy - everything! Here she is trying avocado...and changing the color of the white onesie to green :) We have 3 teeth solidly coming in and one more that's just on the cusp of emerging. Tonight, so gladly ate cooked zucchini from our meal. We are really working to try more real food rather than the baby food purees. She's not picky, thankfully!

She loves to play with her toys in the morning before we go to "school" and before our books/bath at night. This little chair came from my sister's boys and it's her favorite right now. I put the bunny up there, but she was having none of it!

I am busy planning her first birthday party which will be here in 2 months! We are gonna rock the ladybug theme. Found this perfect invitation on Etsy. Can't wait to scrap this big event! She will have a party at her day care on April 28th and we'll celebrate at nana's and pawpaw's in Belton on May 1st. I can hardly believe the time has passed as quickly as it has. But man, oh man, it's been a fun ride!

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