Sunday, April 25, 2010

Been a long time...part 1

Oh, blog, have I neglected you. There's been so much going on!

Here we go...

At the end of March, our hospital had an Easter egg hunt complete with Easter bunny.

Little girl was not too impressed with the Easter bunny. I tried to drop and run backwards, but she caught a glimpse first.

She was only slightly better during this position.

What do I do with these, mom?

I'm so over all this mom.

One April 1st, Mrs. Matthews had a nice little photo op set up at the day care. Very sad about leaving there, but more on this later...

"You want me to look where?"

"Wow, I am your sunshine, right mommy?"
Yes, mommy had good intuition this day picking out her outfit!

"What'cha lookin' at wabbit?"

Easter weekend, we had another Easter egg hunt at my childhood church.

Happy girls!!!

Sophia kept taking out her eggs and little kids were trying to come get them. I fended them off. I'm a momma cub yanno. :)

She was in such a pretty yellow dress that she needed a picture by nana's pretty yellow flowers!

Easter morning!!

Easter morning at church with cousin RyRy. I love this picture.

All 3 of nana's grandkids together, looking quite dapper.

To be continued......

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