Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Sophia!

What a special little girl I have in my life! No matter what else has gone on in my day, she makes it all perfect! Here's the story....of a lovely lady....

First of's visit stats: 23 lbs (80th percentile), 29 inches (50th percentile) and head circumference was 90th percentile...cant remember the inches! She has 7 1/2 teeth (that lower right tooth is peeking out!). We can hold the spoon and guide it (messily) to the mouth to eat our cereal. We sleep 12 hours/night and 1 nap for about 1 1/2 hours during the day. Our bangs are getting so long, we now wear a "BamBam" style hairdo. We have said our first word, "baby" when looking at the computer screen (it's Sophia in the bluebonnets), but we've been much more consistent with "puppy" to talk about the puppy in the back yard and the puppies at nana's and pawpaw's house! Not walking solo yet, but cruising holding on to everything and pushing a walking toy. Switched over to whole milk without much fuss and eating table food mostly. She's about to start writing a dissertation on the fundamental speaking frequency of native Swahili speakers when transplanted to the Arctic Circle....just seeing if you were still reading!

The day before her birthday, our dear friends, the Lowke's came to Uvalde on business. We met up for dinner (wish it had been longer!! looking forward to the 4th of July!) at Jack's steakhouse where hubby and I have our traditional night of $1.99 spaghetti with half-price appetizers. (I know, we are living the dream, baby!)

Martha and Sophia

Mike and Sophia

We had our first birthday party (and birthday cake!) at Sophia's (former) daycare, Matthews Learning Center. Lots of fun and both hubby and I got to be there!
"You know I'm gonna take these off as soon as you move your hands right?"

I was going to make the fully ladybug cake like I had practiced, but figured the kids would do better with individual cupcakes instead. I think they turned out ok anyway. Especially considering I had turned several of them upside down during a transporting maneuver and had to redecorate!

"Is there more??"

We headed to Nana's and Pawpaw's house for the big celebration with family and friends. She got to wear her new embroidered shirt we got from Stitcheroos which was perfect!! She has a shop on and I fell in love with the design. I made the tutu after finding some instructions on the internet. I think it turned out pretty cute!

With mommy and daddy!

With nana and pawpaw
With Uncle Willace, Aunt Liz and cousins Ryder and Gunner (loving some cookie!)
Molly came from Dallas!!

Joanna came from Houston!! (her mom came from Dallas too!!)

Our friend Keri came with her son, Ryan. He and Sophia were due the same day (he made it on time, Sophia needed to make a grand, late entrance)

John's mom came from Waco and his sister came from Dallas. Wow, we've had a lot of Texas travelers show up!!
Aren't they cute??

One of the neatest things was seeing Ryder so sweet with baby Sophia. He has such a kind, compassionate soul!!

I actually finished Sophia's scrapbook (up to the first b-day party) and had it out for anyone to view. The signing page is a picture with a nice quote on the side where I had our guests sign their attendance and they could wish a birthday greeting to Sophia. It will be the last page in her 1st year scrapbook.

And then there was cake!!!! I got the cake pan from Hobby Lobby and the Wilton products also from Hobby Lobby when I had a 40% off coupon! I needed it because I had to practice the cake a time or two before the big day :) I think it turned out ok.

Before cake....

And after....

We have had such a fun year! We feel so blessed that God entrusted this precious little angel to us on Earth. This Sunday is my second Mother's Day and we are having her dedicated at church. I'm also singing a special song, Martina McBride's "In My Daughter's Eyes". Truly a special song thanking God for my special girl!

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