Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday, Monday...Happy Days

This is one of my favorite pictures.

Playing on our tummy. She really favors that right arm for lifting herself up. She is on a "baby" Boppy I found at Babies R' Us. I'm sure babies do not need these sorts of things, but it was cute and I was impulsive :)

It's hard to take a picture of yourself and a baby - especially when the baby is about to start into a full-fledged wail! It was dinner time.

There was a little smile there. Daddy sure does love her.

Well, they're all pretty happy days right now, even with the limited amount of sleep. But, I cannot complain since most nights she gives me at least one 5 1/2 hour stretch. Makes me feel so good the day after that!

Today was our first day back at church. People cannot resist a baby! We had so many people come up to see us today. It was good to be back though in worship. I had missed singing and the preaching. We sat on the 2nd from back row. We were not about to sit in someone else's pew! For those who are not familiar with the Baptist church (and it may be other denominations too!), the back row sometimes belongs to specific people...usually of a certain age and who have been there for quite some time ;) We ended up in front of 4 ladies of that certain age and length of residency. They could not get enough of Sophia. I explained to them immediately that we were sitting in the back in case she started crying and we could get out quickly without disturbing too many. Their reply was it would not bother them at all and she was just the most precious thing! They were very sweet and I kept hearing them whisper to one another "look at her now", "look at those feet move"...etc, etc. It was really cute. Sophia did great! She was completely content during the music/singing portion. When the sermon started, there was less commotion and she squirmed a little but did not lose it or anything. And then I was proud momma as everyone came up to see her after the service. It's a good thing John had to work today because he would have had a hard time standing there while everyone came to talk to us! :) Next week is Father's Day and he's on midnights, so he should be able to go.

That's pretty much all we know for now. She will be 7 weeks on Tuesday and I cannot believe how fast time has flown by! Especially once we passed those initial two weeks. Hope everyone is doing well and thanks for keeping up with us!

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