Wednesday, June 10, 2009

First Road Trip!

Here are some pics from our road trip.

Well, we ventured out of South Texas! Sophia and I made a successful week-long trip north. I think I packed at least half the nursery, but still managed to not pack enough diapers :) Luckily, nana picked up some extra for us.

We started off last Wednesday after my doctor's appointment. I think it took an extra 2 hours to get there. Part of it was the horrible traffic in Austin at 4:00 and the other part was having to stop to feed the baby girl. She was really good in the car and slept most of the way, but couldn't make it all the way. Thursday we headed to Lindale where my sister & family live. It took us 7 hours to make a 3 1/2 hour trip. Of course, we did stop a few times to shop and nurse. My aunt & uncle came over with their granddaughter to meet little Sophie. Then my other aunt came up with her husband to meet the precious baby. It was really nice to get to introduce my sweet little jewel to everyone!

We headed back to Belton and one of my oldest and dearest friends, Tracy, came to visit on Sunday. I don't have many friends that I have kept in contact with since 1990! We were best friends during my freshman and her sophmore year at Killeen High School. Then she did the typical military action and moved! The last time I saw her in person was for her high school graduation in Pennsylvania in 1993!! That's been 16 years we've been keeping up via snail mail and online! Wow. It was so great to see her and meet her kiddos. Her husband is on his 3rd deployment and she's managing life with 4 kids. I'm so impressed with her and all our military spouses. What a sacrifice!

Sophia and I went to Waco on Monday to see her other grandmother for the afternoon. Sophia was an angel! She only got fussy toward the late afternoon when it was her normal fussy time. We took her for a walk and she was much more content! Sophia got a beautiful new onesie and some cute lavender sandals. I was able to get some Cooper Farms peaches while in Waco. They are the June Golds which aren't as sweet as the Freestones we get in July, but still love them peaches! The plums were sweet and juicy too! We headed back to Uvalde on Tuesday, but got some good shopping done in Round Rock and San Antonio on the way!

All in all it was a great trip. I wish we lived closer, especially now that we have a little girl! Sophie was a champion traveler as the week progressed. At first, she was a little out of her element, but by the end of the week, so was giving me her usual 5 1/2 hour stretch of night sleep. The first night I arrived in Belton, mom & I went for a walk leaving Sophie with pawpaw. This may have been a little traumatic for her (and pawpaw!). She apparently started crying soon after we left and didn't stop until she was back in my arms. Makes me feel very loved as a mommy.

Today I had my six week check up. All is good. At my last doctor's appointment I had gained 6 lbs from my previous appointment. Wow! Today, I was back down those 6 pounds, so I'm feeling much better. We need to be going down, not up! So, I'm back to 10 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight and 18 lbs away from my next big milestone goal. I'm thinking about starting weight watchers again...need a little more motivation! I'm torn about my doctor's office. Today, my appointment was at 9:00, I was taking into a room at 11:15 and done with the visit by 11:30. So frustrating. I'm so tempted to try to find another doctor in San Antonio. 3 of the family docs are in my doc's practice. The other one is probably not much better. They are all just so busy. At least if I had a doc in San Antonio, I could take the whole day and go shopping and see some friends.

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