Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July!

Whew! What a whirlwind of a weekend! These pictures are in reverse order of the weekend, but it takes too much thought to reverse them! Darn blogspot :) making me think on this thoughtless kind of day...

We did quite a bit of traveling and didn't stay in one spot too terribly long. One of the main reasons for heading out was to introduce my sweet little Sophia to the people of my home church. I was pretty much born into the church and my parents have been attending there since the mid-70's. These folks have seen me and my sister grow up and now that we have kids of our own, it's like their grandkids too in a way. We had an ice cream social after the evening service where we got to socialize with everyone. There's nothing better than home made ice cream!

This is Paul and Debbie Thompson. Paul was the minister at our wedding nearly 9 years ago (wow! can't believe it's been that long!). He was also at one time the pastor of earlier mentioned little church and amazingly, we found out that we are very, very distant cousins. Kinda cool.

Nana and Pawpaw got to have all 3 grandkids together for a few days. After we left, I think it looked like Katrina's cousin hit. I think they may be recovering by now! 3 kids can be a handful, but honestly, they were really good 95% of the time...One night we did have a fussy 2 1/2 month old and a 2 year old at the same times :) I brought my sister's boys to their grandparents' house in San Antonio on our way back home. It was on the way and I thought it would be a good indicator to whether we need 3 kids or, not! They were good, but it's hard for kids to be occupied for over 2 hours, and you really need 2 people when traveling with that many!

The 4th of July parade was a lot of fun and pretty hot. We were blessed this year because a family friend moved along the parade route, so we had a place to go inside, sit on the porch, use the bathroom, get some water, and nurse during the 2+ hours the parade lasted. It was a great time and the boys loved it. Sophia will appreciate it more when she gets older!

One day, Sophia and I got to meet up with a Facebook friend. She and I were due on the same day (April 23rd) and she hit the mark, while Sophia made me wait til the 28th! He weighed 1 oz more than her and lost the same amount of weight initially. I think he's a stronger eater than Sophia though! :) He was so soft and cuddle-icious! Exactly my image of a baby. Sophia has modified some of my expectations though. Anyway, she lives in Florida but was visiting her family in Texas, so we made it a point to introduce our little ones. And it was a perfect meeting at Chick-Fil-A with peach shakes! Yum yum!

Our 4th of July began in Concan, Texas where our dear friends, the Lowke's were having their annual family gathering at Neal's Lodge. This was their 30th year to come to Neal's! This family was so wonderful to us while we were in Corpus - they basically adopted us into their family as one of their own. The last lady is Christie who we also knew from Corpus. She was up at the Frio river with her family for vacation too. What a great Corpus reunion! Especially since my Corpus trip was cancelled due to severe mommy illness :(

This is Sophia at 2 months on June 28th. We did have some pictures made at JC Penney which should come in soon. Then, over the 4th, we took the 3 grandkids to Olan Mills and got some great pics!

Finally, my best friend from Baylor came to visit on June 25th. I think she looks like a natural with baby girl on her! She was so wonderful and helped me so much around the house. I'm still in "don't worry about how dirty the house looks" mode....she helped me out of that by cleaning and cooking for us. Yeah, I got a little spoiled during her visit.

So, that catches us up to today. It is my last day at home with Sophia before she starts day care. She is going to be with a lady who keeps some kids in her home. Two of my work colleagues use her and that's where I got the referral. I think it's going to be good. We were originally going to take her to the Methodist church, but we received notice that if they didn't have at least 4 infants in the infant room, then they could not justify having a teacher and they would definitely have enough by August 17th. Well, this doesn't work out so well for me because I go back to work on July 13th! Ugh. So, we began looking around. I like the home environment. I'm a little nervous that she watches 3 toddlers and Sophia, but she seems very "type A" and organized which I like. Sophia will go see her tomorrow morning for the first time, since I have a dentist appointment all morning. We'll see if she stays all day or only a half day. Depending on what momma can take.

I'll have to update more, but need to go feed the baby. We're trying out this schedule today like she's at day care, so hubby is basically watching her and I'm only doing the noon feeding which I will be able to go do at lunch once I return to work.

Thanks for keeping up with us!


  1. Cute Kid - but who are those people holding her on the pleather couch? YIKES!

  2. Oh my gosh! I didn't know you had a blog too or I would have been following y'all's adventures too! I'll have to catch up on it tomorrow! Oh, and I think the pleather makes y'all look even, classy? sassy? :)
