Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I should be sleeping....

But, I can tell by all the comments you people can't stop leaving, you are craving another post... [insert sarcasm] :) Haha.

So, we had another milestone tonight. We have mastered rolling from back to belly. Not quite got the belly to back yet. She just rolls on to her belly and cries because she really didn't want to be there! :) Got video, but haven't gotten my conversion software on this new computer yet. One day....

She's also started laughing intentionally. This past weekend was horrible. My washing machine flooded the laundry room Saturday night. It was such an ordeal to clean up and try to figure out what the problem was. In an effort to narrow down the cause (I originally thought it was maybe the plumbing of the house), I ended up flooding the laundry room again! During this time, picture hungry crying baby, tired crying mommy, and daddy working the night shift! This was all after a long (albeit successful) day of shopping in San Antonio off craigslist. So, baby fed, laundry room cleaned and then snuggling with babe. All I could do was laugh....and she laughed back. We laughed at each other a few times and it was all ok....until....

I tried one more thing to see what part of the washer might be fowling up. This was now Sunday and hubby was back at work on the night shift (Why didn't I do it BEFORE he went to work?). And, yes, you guessed it....flooded again! And it wasn't what I expected. I thought maybe the pump that pumps the water through the drain hose wasn't working. So I put it on the smallest setting and walked away....yes, this was a mistake. I came back in a few minutes and it was still filling...and filling....and filling...and AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!. It doesn't stop. I shut it off and start manually draining it, carrying gallons of water (again) out to the yard (guess I am going to water my yard). Well, during this drain, the hose falls off the back of the washer!! A gully gusher came a flowing! No way to stop it....I can't get back there in time to plug the hose back up (very small space....heavy washer fully of water). Well, we cleaned it all up again. Hungry and tired baby crying again (She took all of 1 hour-long nap while we were at church). Tired mommy crying again. And no laughing that night! :) This is all so dramatic. But that's how it seemed. I have never been so grateful for a Monday to get here!

In other news, we found a portable battery operated swing and a kick & play bouncer seat. They both have lights since Sophia loves lights! I got them all cleaned up and washed the washable parts (BEFORE the washer fiasco...which by the way, I had also done a load of John's laundry and Sophia's laundry...so everyone has clean clothes except me!)

We have also begun sitting in the bumbo seat.
She got a little tired of me taking so many pictures! :)

This was before church....and before spit up.

This is definitely where she gets those beautiful blue eyes.

Her new kick & play bouncer seat. Not bad for $10!

And one of my favorite pictures ever.

Thanks for keeping up with us....now, comment people!


  1. I'm loving those pics of your precious baby girl! Craigs list is awesome! I plan on selling some of my stuff on there after baby #2!

  2. Ok - I have just started craiglisting and I am SO HOOKED! I bought Aubrey a bedroom set (well, actually a beautiful antique bed, dresser and nightstand). Michael thought it was so cool - and we paid about 1/3 of what we had planned to pay for a new bedroom set - so he told me I could start looking for a new dining set (remember, we are adding on to our house right now). Got one tonight - Only one year old and only $700! The one I picked out was $5000! And I got a table, chairs AND a china hutch for that price! It is gorgeous! I am just estatic.....

    Susan W

  3. I am totally a craigslist addict! Susan, I heard you had to have an intervention! :)
