Tuesday, August 11, 2009

July 31, 2009....

What a momentous day in history.... that's when Sophia started consistently sleeping through the night. We've almost made it 2 weeks. I'm nervous to even announce that as she is asleep in her crib right now. She had one night where she woke up at 3 am. I let her talk and moan until 3:30, went and nursed her, and she went right back to sleep. I'm so grateful for the nights I've had where I could get some sleep!

We've done some more traveling this past weekend. We ventured to Belton and Waco. John's sister Pam came into Waco to visit, so we trekked up there to introduce Sophia to her and her son Chris. We had a great visit and played some Wii, which is always a good time. Also got my last peach run of the season. I don't know how long we have been getting peaches from Cooper Farms, but they have been sooooo good for as long as I can remember! I even brought back 3 boxes to fill orders for Uvalde people! I think they beat the Fredericksburg peaches hands down!

Yeah, she's pretty much a doll.

Nawnaw must have been more interesting than the camera at this point!

She got to meet Aunt Pam and cousin Christopher for the first time.

Nawnaw with her two grandchildren (Christopher is 17 now!)

We got to see Nana and Pawpaw too!

"It's just another baby in the world" to pawpaw...yeah right!

I'm working on uploading video. Dad and I looked around for conversion software to convert my .mts files to something acceptable by blogger. Darn Canon software. I tried to view and edit a short video of Sophia talking. When I watched with Canon's software, the image was upside down, but only when playing. When the still was on the menu, it was right side up. Weird. It also locked up my computer. Another sign I was ready for a new one. Mom and dad went with me to Staples to look. I didn't think I was going to buy one that day, but it was a really great deal! It's a desktop with quadcore processors, 1 TB of hard drive, 8 GB of RAM. That should be plenty for my future video endeavors! Haha. Now, I just need the time and energy to do it!

In other news, we went in for a weight check today. Sophia's been spitting up pretty significantly for a while now (a couple of months?). It's more than a little, but probably not the entire meal. Well, per recommendations from my fabulous lactation nurse, I cut out milk products and tried a more upright nursing position. I was also not to encourage her to eat more than she wanted. She used to fall asleep while nursing, so I would have to rub her back or tickle her feet/neck to get her to keep eating. Well, this may have been my problem. I stopped doing that and started recognizing when I thought she was done versus making sure she eats for at least 10-12 minutes. Sometimes she would eat for 7 minutes, sometimes 15. Last Monday, she weighed 12 lbs, 13.5 oz. As of tonight's weight check, she was 13 lbs, 1.7 oz. So, we are gaining appropriately according to my consultant. The spitting up has also cut back some. She still does it, but not as frequently as she was. We will ask our doctor about this at the 4 month check up on August 26th!

4 months. I cannot believe it is 2 weeks away. Wow. Slow down, you move too fast. Got to make the moments last....

We have rescheduled our trip to Corpus Christi for August 28-30th. I am really looking forward to this trip (just not the drive). Last attempt was thwarted by a horrendous stomach bug that left me immobile for 24 hours! We can't wait to see our old friends! I will sing at my old church on Sunday. Hopefully I will have my voice back. I have been singing and talking at such a high pitch that my cords are a little swollen. But it's just so much fun to talk to her!

Speaking of talking....we have chatty cathy on our hands. She "talks" all the time. When we get off work, sometimes we go to Walmart or HEB afterwards. In the basket we carry on conversations all through the aisles. What a silly sight we must be. She tells me all the gossip from Mrs. Matthews' house and I tell her how I tried to help some kiddos at work. It's quite funny how this is all such a blast for me!

As I blog about our adventures, I am always inspired by one of my college friends. She keeps a blog that is so truly wonderful to read. She is a gifted writer who bears her soul with elegance, honesty and wit. I have been keeping up with her blog and felt her joy, sadness, frustration, and strong love for her family and friends. Through her joys and sorrows she is an inspiration to me.

Ok, work comes awfully early in the morning, so I must close out this chapter. Thanks for keeping up with us!

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