Tuesday, May 26, 2009

First baths, good visits, and surprises!

Sophia had her first bath last week. Her umbilical cord actually fell off the week before, but there was still a little residue so we continued with sponge baths. We ventured into our first bath using a baby bather my friend Melodie gave me for a baby shower. She was not so sure about the bath! But my other friend Larise gave me a great idea of keeping a washcloth over most of her body to keep her warm while bathing other parts of her body. This worked great for her second bath. She was much less upset with the whole process!

We've had a lot of visitors the past month. My mom was here for nearly 2 weeks. Then John's mom came for a weekend. Then my sister came for 2 days. And finally Molly was here for 3 days. She just left at 4 o'clock this morning! Wow! Thank goodness for rental cars because I would not have made it to San Antonio and back at that time! It has been so great to visit with everyone. Now, John is back to work and I'm here alone with baby girl. She's really a great baby though, so I can't complain. And we're working on schedules, so that's showing some promise!

As for the surprises...don't ya just love when you get something in the mail that was totally unexpected?!?! We got 2 of those this week! First, my dear friend Tracy sent me the most beautiful and perfect hand made card and baby memory book. I'm waiting for her to teach me how to link to her site so you can see how beautiful it is! Second, my other friend Antoinette sent me some precious outfits, shoes and a toy for little Sophia! It's gonna be so much fun to dress her up! And last week, our good friends from Corpus sent us some personalized burp cloths and a personalized onesie. She's wearing it in the picture to the right.

Today, Sophia is 4 weeks old. It has been a wonderful 4 weeks with my sweet baby girl. We feel very blessed to have her and to have the people around us who love her as much as we do! What an exciting journey we are on! Thank you for keeping up with us!

1 comment:

  1. To link... go to the page you want to link to, highlight the http: line at the top. Then back at your blog, highlight what you want to attach the link to (I used your name) then click on the little picture block of the globe with the link on it... paste the http: line in the box that pops up and there ya go! That should link the page to your link.
