Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sophia at 3 weeks

My sister took these pictures with her awesome camera! I think she got some great shots, but it's hard to shoot a baby! They don't exactly do what you ask them to do. :)

Our sweet little girl is 3 weeks old as of last night. She has gained 9 oz in the past 8 days. We are up to 8 lbs, 8.3 oz. Getting closer to the birth weight. She's taking a little longer to get back up there than I had hoped, but she is making progress.

Last night she slept nearly 6 hours! I know I was not supposed to let her go that long, but it was so nice to have some sleep!! She's getting a lot better at resting. Mainly thanks to her Aunt Liz and Uncle Willace's fierce swaddling skills!

We've had lots of good help. My mom came for 2 weeks. John's mom came this past weekend and my sister & her family came the past couple of days. It's been really nice to ease into this.

I'm trying to keep things updated, but it's hard! I hope all you are doing well and thanks for keeping up with us!

1 comment:

  1. I can't get over her hair!! There is SO much of it!! She is getting big! I can't belive she's already 3 weeks!!! Enjoy every minute! And there is NOTHING wrong with letting her sleep if she will sleep!!!
