Monday, May 11, 2009

First Mother's Day!

We are still trying to get some good pictures for the birth announcements

Yesterday was my first mother's day! What a wonderful day. I am so glad to be mommy to little Sophia. Even when we were struggling so much last week, I was still glad to be her mommy, but now it's even better.

We are doing better about going down to sleep after feedings in the middle of the night. For a while, she would only want to be held. Now, I can get her good and sleepy and in a clean diaper, full belly and she will lay in her bed for a good hour - 1 1/2 hours. Sometimes she has a little whimper and I'm learning not to rush over and pick her up at that first noise. Usually she will go ahead and calm. Sometimes it will evolve into full-scale cry/scream and then I get to go hold her. So far, she's only hollering out when she's hungry, needs a diaper change, or just needs to be held.

Nursing is still going better, though things are tender. Today, we went back to the hospital for her 2nd PKU test. She had one in the hospital and they do another one 2 weeks later. She did cry when he poked her foot, but quickly recovered, making it less traumatic for momma! She's a tough girl! After the lab work, we went over to labor & delivery to get a weight check. She's gained weight!!! So excited! Last Wednesday, we went to the doctor and she weighed 7 lbs, 8 3/4 oz. That's pretty scary! Today is better and she weighed 7 lbs, 15.3 oz! We're almost back up to 8 lbs! Woohoo! We'll see what the doctor says tomorrow. Ideally, he wanted her to be back up to birth weight by now, but with the nearly week-long breast feeding issues, maybe we will have another week to get her back up and going! I never thought I would have had such a small baby!

In other weight news, I'm now 10 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight. I am definitely not trying to lose weight, I promise. Maybe it's just a benefit to breast feeding. But, this week, with the stress levels down, and my appetite definitely back up, I should level out for a bit. It's nice having good meals (thanks hubby and momma!) and someone making sure you eat regularly! Otherwise, my schedule would be completely off!

We're keeping on the path...thanks for keeping up with us!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Mother's Day, new Mommy!!!! Don't be surprised if you get more tender as the nursing continues... it DOES hurt, but it will eventually quit. I wish someone had told me "It's going to hurt like crazy, but it will get better!!!" I thought I was doing something wrong! It's such a wonderful experience! It was SO hard to wean Colt knowing he was going to be my last!!! You are a terrific mommy!!!
