Thursday, March 26, 2009

4 weeks and counting

Well, here we are. Sophia's expected due date is 4 weeks from today. That's a bit exciting and overwhelming at the same time. It's getting closer and more real. I'm now beginning to wonder about how on earth I will figure out all those cries, what she needs, how to balance her wants. I wonder about labor. I'm sure it's hard as heck and many, many women have gone through this, which should be comforting; it's not however. The hardest fear for me is fear of the unknown. And now, the unknown has gotten a little more complicated. My childbirth class has been canceled. Only 3 people signed up for it. The reasoning behind cancelation is that the instructor wants at least 6 people to sign up. Well, darn. It's not like I've got another month. This is what I get for waiting until the last minute. I should have gone in January when it seemed way too early. February's date conflicted with my shower in Corpus. Now what? I don't know. I'm supposed to contact the instructor on Monday. Just seems frustrating to me. If the hospital is going to provide the service, they should provide the service. We'll see what happens when I talk with the lady on Monday. Otherwise, I'll have to drag hubby up to labor & delivery for my own private lesson with the nurses.

So, at 36 weeks, I'm feeling "girthy". I feel good and haven't had too much fatigue. A few cramping kind of feelings in my belly, but nothing consistent. She's still moving around, though now it's more like writhing rather than any kind of kick. I never get tired of feeling her move.

Otherwise, business is really picking up at work. Isn't that how it goes? Just before I get ready for maternity leave, things pick up :) Good for the hospital. I'll just truck along until Sophia makes her arrival!

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