Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Baby Showers

I have had 3 baby showers! I say this with exclamation because I feel very blessed to have had 3 baby showers.

The first baby shower was January 24 in San Antonio on the Riverwalk. My best friend from college, Joanna, threw me a luncheon shower at Paesano's on the Riverwalk. My mom, sister, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law came down and several of my friends who live in San Antonio were able to come! Lots of fun!

The second shower was in Corpus Christi on February 28th and was thrown by some dear friends from my old church. I used to be the music director at Central Christian Church and 3 of these ladies were in my choir and praise team. The hostesses were: Lynn Cates, Debra Coleman, Sylvia Fobes, and Tonya Webber. My church was invited and some of my friends from my old job at Spohn Shoreline got to come too! There were so many people and it was nice to see everyone! And Sophia is going to be quite the dressed up young lady!
My hostesses (L-R) Debra, Sylvia, Tonya (Lynn was sick :( .)
My mom & me. That cake was sooo beautiful! (But the baby was NOT teeth told me so)

Me with the Diaper Cake; Dear friends, Mel & Martha; and my Spohn girls!

My 3rd shower was March 4th and it was a surprise! We had a scheduled rehab luncheon at work, that turned out to be scheduled for my baby shower! :) It was so nice to be surprised and they kept the secret very well. I did become a little suspicious the morning of the shower because everyone hushed when I walked into the office. And more cute stuff for Sophia!

Me as the princess...until Sophia gets here,
then I become the QUEEN!
My wonderful coworkers in the rehab department
This cupcake cake was sooooo pretty and even better tasting!

This was a game....who could suck the most water in 2 minutes. It was harder than they thought!

1 comment:

  1. How fun!! I so wish I could have been there for the one in SA!! I LOVE the grey sweater with the argyle on the front! I had the SAME one, but in dark blue! It was my favorite outfit and I tried to wear it post-baby, but I knew it was maternity and felt like everyone else who saw me did, too! :-D
