Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Week 34 OB Visit

So, today I had another OB visit. I say 34 weeks because I'm 2 days from 34 weeks and that means I'm closer to 34 than 33. And it makes me feel like it's closer :)

Well, it looks like little Sophia won't be so little. My fundal height is "above average" as Doc says. We discussed the fact that my mom and I were both over 10 lbs at birth (not just by an ounce or two either). I expressed my concern to him that I was trying to avoid forceps/suction if at all possible. He told me that if she was going to be over 10 lbs, we would do a c-section. Not sure that is much better as it is a longer recovery time and I'll have to do some special qualification to return to work. I told him that I had hoped that my husband's Italian side would help find a compromise in the birthweight. I don't think it's going to happen! Haha. By the end of the conversation, we decided that we would plan for a regular delivery but be preparted for a c-section.

For now, he's got me scheduled for my 3rd (!) sonogram. It will be this Thursday at 1:30. Yeah for more pics of Sophia!

The nursery is coming along. I cannot wait to get the furniture in the room and fix it up for good. I can't wait to put the wall decorations up and set everything out. I keep having this nightmare that Sophie will come out a Steve and I will have all this girlie stuff. There's very little probability of that after 2 sonogram predictions....but you never know :)

In other news, our little puppy (at nearly 12 years old) has had some "accidents" in the house lately. Thank goodness for non-carpeted floors. We went to San Antonio on Saturday and came home to a large, soft pile. This was an improvement from last week when we came home to 4 runny piles. Then early Sunday morning I was awakened by a horrible smell and there was another runny pile. There may not be a worse smell than that! Since I'm hypersensitive to smells right now and was dry heaving, my sweet hubby cleaned them up. Needless to say, Maggie has been spending all day outside. Tomorrow's supposed to rain, so we'll see how that works.

On the frustration front, I got a corrected W-2 from Christus Spohn. They forgot to check retirement (even though I did not contribute) and now I am instructed to "consult a tax professional" to determine my next step. Golly. Thanks Christus. How long have you been providing W-2s???? Ugh. So, I'm going to see if Turbo Tax will let me do an amended return and hopefully it won't change much.

I got summoned for jury duty in Nueces county. My first ever summons. Will just send it back in stating I'm not qualified because I no longer live in Nueces county.

Ok, this is all new, so I'm going to practice adding some photos.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah my friend!!! You've joined the Blogging world! I'm so excited to be able to walk on this journey with you!!
