Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Week 34 Sono Results

Sometimes I'm a little slow on the uptake. I have been patiently waiting for each sonogram result, going to my doctor and asking for him to share with me the results. I work in a hospital and know that my results are in the computer I have access to, but I also know that if I do access those results I can be fired. And I'm not one to take a chance like that, it's just not worth it. But today, I realized that I can do what non-hospital employees do and request my test results. So, I went over to radiology, signed a release/request and got a copy of my sono report. Why didn't I think of this sooner? Unfortunately, most of the results mean nothing for me, except terms like "Unremarkable" and "within normal limits". But, what I am interested in is the estimated weight of the baby. So, I got my results at she is "estimated" at 2,720 grams. (It is just an estimate)

Now, for my mathematically challenged friends, you can do what I did and go to an online conversion calculator that converts grams to pounds. Or you can just keep reading. This turns out to equate to 5 lbs, 15.94 oz. Basically, she is estimated at 6 lbs. last Wednesday when we were 34 weeks. It's nice to know where 6 of my 15 lb weight gain has come from! Average is around 5 lbs. So, we're not that far off. But, she's "above average". Hopefully she will be above average in the brain area too!!

Tomorrow is another doctor's appointment. Thursday my parents get here with the baby furniture! I cannot wait to get the nursery all set up! I will definitely post pics after we're done.

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