Monday, April 6, 2009

37 weeks, 4 days

We had our latest doctor's appointment today. Is it every OB's office that runs 1 hour behind? Actually, today we were only 45 minutes behind which was nice. I've waited 2 1/2 hours before. Babies don't wait, so I understand that.

I've gained 1/2 lb this week. My blood pressure was really good. No swelling. Baby's moving well. Etc etc. Doc measured the height of my fundus and again commented on the size. I think he sees so many people each week that he forgets that we've been down that road before. "Wow, she's gonna be a big baby" "Yeah, doc, we knew that". Deja vous. He checked me out though and we are no where close to being ready. He said he won't induce until I start showing signs of being ready because he could put me through labor and get no results, having to do it again. So, we are definitely not going to see our little girl this week (unless SHE decides she's ready).

He did order another sonogram. This will be our 4th one and will be on Friday afternoon. He wants to see her estimated size. He mentioned my fundal height had increased significantly and was not proportional to what would be expected. So, I'm interpreting that as being her gaining the 1/2 lb, not me :) That's my world, I can make it what I want.

The good news is that John will be able to go with me on Friday since he's off for Good Friday. And he is also off the Monday after Easter, so he gets to go to the next check up with me.

What we learned tdoay: she's not coming this week. My doc is not on call next weekend as I had been told, so he more than likely won't induce on Friday the 17th, which is fine because I really want him to be the one checking on me. As of right now, we are in wait and see mode, but if he does induce, it may be on Monday, April 20th. Of course, everything is subject to change :). Next Monday we will know more.

I'm a little disappointed that we may induce on a Monday. That means John may only have 1 or 2 days off to spend with us before he has to return to the academy. But mom & dad will be here and my sister will be coming down sometime too. It will be nice to have the support!

In the mean time, I'm trying to do some things to assist my encourage it to get ready. So far, I've been told I need to be walking a lot. Any others out there?

Thanks for keeping up with us!

1 comment:

  1. Jenn, I am soooo excited for you! These were the hardest times!!!! Stick in there, girl. She will be walking and talking before you know it! Can't wait to meet this little girl of yours!!
