Friday, April 10, 2009

38 weeks, 1 day - SONO day!

Today we had our 5th sonogram. Wow. That's a lot. It was only the 4th at the hospital with the 3D technology and video proof, but we did have that first beating peanut at the doc's office. That seems like so long ago! It is so hard to imagine being at 38 weeks. We're pretty much there!

Anyway, back to the sono. She gave us surprisingly good pictures, but we only got one 3D on cd. I guess the technician was all ready to start the weekend! I cannot complain because I have wonderful pics and videos from all the other sonos and today's pic is perfect anyway. We got a print out of several and I really wanted to post the one of her hands and a foot, so I scanned it. That's why it looks different.

Today was the first sono that hubby got to attend since he was off today. I think it really hit him hard because he has been so excited for her to get here and has talked about it nearly constantly tonight! Very sweet to watch. He did get a little nervous at first. We started the sonogram and the tech said, "ok, so we're just confirming it's a boy..." I thought John was going to come out of his skin with shock! We had to tell him it was just a joke rather quickly :) We got our 4th confirmation of her little girl status.

Ok, you've been reading to find out the big news: estimated weight. The technician cannot give out that kind of official info because docs like to do it, but I did catch a glimpse of the statistics on the screen :P. Her estimated current weight is 9 pounds, 4 ounces. We try to keep in mind that this can be off up to 1 1/4 pounds either direction. But since we have a good history of "developed" babies in my family, I'm just praying it is not 1 1/4 pounds more than estimated weight :)

So, where do we go from here? I have another doctor's appointment on Monday at 11:20 (which means I may see doc by 12:45). At that time, he'll let us know what the plan is. He originally said if she was over 4000 grams (she's approx 4100 right now), then we'd go ahead with induction plans. Looks like that's the case, but everything is subject to change. Who knows, maybe she will decide to come early on her own! His original thought is to bring me in late Sunday night (the 19th) and start induction early Monday morning. We'll see what he says on Monday. It's a little scary to think that she's so close to being here. But we cannot wait to see her and introduce her to you all!

Thanks for keeping up with us!


  1. Very beautiful pictures - love your music too!

  2. You look wonderful, and Sophia is precious. I love the nursery, too. I am so excited for you. You are going to be a wonderful Mom. Kim Dugas

  3. Those are beautiful pictures! I never got 3D with any of mine, so those are an amazing view! Can't wait to see how close she looks to them!!
