Monday, April 20, 2009

39 weeks, 5 days - We have a target date!

And the winner is....Monday! I had my doctor's appointment today. That 3 1/2 pound weight gain last week was forgotten after I was down half a pound today :) It's a total psychological thing. My blood pressure remains good and all in all, it's still going great! Except there has been a definite increase in fatigue and discomfort. Getting up 3-4 times per night is getting more difficult - not because of the lack of sleep, I'm used to that, but the very effort to roll this baby over and stand up is painful! She's gonna be so worth it all though.

I went to my appointment feeling very fatigued and prepared to drop some tears if I had to go to another doctor's appointment next Monday (the doctor's office is CRAZY!!). I think doc kinda sensed that. I had to admit that my happy, euphoric hormones were being overpowed by fatigue and discomfort!

After the exam, I'm still not showing any signs of being ready. But, he's still going to try to induce next Sunday night/Monday morning. So, we will go to church Sunday morning, I'll come home and nap (if I can) and then we will go to the hospital at midnight. We'll go through the admission process and I guess they will hook me up to whatever IV they want to pump into me. Then, I guess I'm supposed to sleep (!?!?!). I have no idea how that will happen.

Several of my friends have mentioned that they got a date for induction, then baby came a day or two early! I'm happy either way! If she wants to go ahead and come on her own early, that's ok by me.

Bottom line, we expect Sophia to be here next week! It's very nice to have a target date! I always thought she might come on the 28th. Looks like the 27th unless she takes more than 24 hours to get here! :)

Thanks for keeping up with us!!


  1. OH Jen!! I'm SOOO excited for y'all! I remember these last few weeks being torture! Trying to come up with all sorts of excuses to induce early! :-D God Bless your little one!!

  2. Thanks Tracy! We are super excited, but trying to be patient. I'm sure by Friday I will be out of my mind! And maybe she will make a debut on her own! I hope you will be available when we come up to Belton!
