Friday, April 24, 2009

40 weeks, on to the end

Here are some fun pictures of me as of today. Don't tell, but the back drop is the back of our old mattress that we have no place to put yet! And the front shot with the heart hands, I stole that idea from my friend Keri's professional maternity shots. :)

Today was my first day off from work. I did lots of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, and there are too many cookies and brownies in my house!

We got our replacement mattress delivered just after lunch time today. We upgraded to a pillow top, so maybe it will be softer on my sore hips! Tried it out for about 2 hours this afternoon with a wonderful nap and it seems to be a good one so far! We'll let hubby decide tonight if it's better than the other one.

Tomorrow I have no plans, except to have the "last date". We're going to one of the better restaurants here in the metropolis :), Oasis Outback. They have a really good steak special on Saturday nights. So, we'll go enjoy that. Hubby may go to the gun range for a bit for his last weekend out :). Probably won't be much time after Sophia arrives for a while. The plan is to go to church Sunday morning, come home and sleep (please don't call!). I'll get up, shower, and we'll head to the hospital after midnight to do a quick registration and get admitted. I've already filled out most of the paperwork, so it should be a quick process. Then we start the drip... :)

I will try to get an update out when possible, but I make no promises because I have NO idea what to expect! In the mean time, we really appreciate the prayers! Thanks for keeping up with us!

1 comment:

  1. Love the "Lola Song", never heard that one. And I am so impressed by your scrapbook....look at you go....I hadn't seen a lot of those pictures of you PG. The baby shower ones are great....good variety....
    Well all I can say is let the adventure of your life begin, I pray for you, John and Sophie a wonderful and healthy life and I can't wait to be part of it. I love you!
