Thursday, April 16, 2009

38 weeks, 5 days - Doc appointment

Well, it wasn't the news I wanted. I had a feeling, but didn't want it to be right. I am not effaced at all and not dilated at all. With that news, my doc is not willing to induce. So, despite early mention of early induction to try to avoid her getting too big, we won't be having a baby this week. Not by induction anyway. Looks like we will be at another check up next Monday at 11:20 am to see if there has been ANY progress.

In other discouraging news, I had gained 3.5 pounds this week. Some suggested swelling/retaining water, but I have no evidence of that in my hands, feet or face. It must be hiding somewhere. I had not done much different this week. We did eat at a restaurant here in town on Saturday and even though I got grilled chicken and vegetables, it was soooooo salty! Maybe that's where it came from. We'll know better next week if that was it or not. Still keeping it under 20 lbs if at all possible!

I guess it's been good. She's not officially due until the 23rd and I kinda always thought she might even been late, like closer to the 28th. When she's ready, she'll get here. I had to wait to post that until today (Thursday) because I was originally so disappointed. As my sister pointed out, I had gotten myself psyched up for her coming early. This is true. I desperately wanted to meet this little girl I had been caring for. John is ready too, maybe more than me....wait, no. He can't be more ready than me! :)

It's been nice to be able to have a light week at work. I've finished out 2 of my 3 remaining outpatients. I still have some inpatients that I go see and 2 new evaluations this week. My boss is so wonderful. She's ok with me working part-time next week. I will do my remaining outpatient and be in more of an "on-call" situation for inpatients. This will be nice if we get the news we want at Monday's doctor's appointment. But doc basically told me that I could keep working all next week.

I'm still feeling pretty good. I can definitely feel her getting bigger. She had given me some relief a couple of weeks ago and dropped a bit. I was able to breathe. I could walk across the hospital without being out of breath. This past week, she has either re-ascended or she is growing so big that she's back up against my diaphragm! Who knows.

I had my co-worker take a picture of me at work today for my 39th week photo, but it's on the other computer. I will post it soon. And I will try to post sooner after Monday's appointment. This is ridiculous to have to wait 3 days to write! :)

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